
What's this desktop you speak of? Oh, crap- that thing behind my windows? I'm actually supposed to use that?

_it's that it's harder (and often more expensive) to find software for it_

brif- this does the checking of the torrent sites for you. Less work = doubleplusgood.

Does IE do the live bookmarks? That's the only RSS related feature of Firefox that seems useful. Why read a feed in a web browser when I could just... oh, I don't know- read the WEBPAGE in the web browser.

Man, I'd love to share that with my students, but we're a proprietary school, not a university. There's no .edu here.

My wedding was dirt cheap. Here are my tips:

I don't have a TV- but I do watch television- thanks to DVD sets and illicit downloads. My 15" MBP is perfect for watching TV on, curled up in bed with the wife.

As someone who made the switch, the big selling point for me was Cygwin. Specifically, using Cygwin learned me how much I hate the Windows command line- and I do a lot at the command line. That got me switched to Linux, but I hated the amount of tweaking I needed to do to customize Linux, which brought me to OSX. Oh,

Olegna: Apple has always supported two-button (or more) interactions. They always shipped a one button mouse to force developers into not relying on them, thus making applications more intuitive (a savvy user can right (or ctrl) click, novice users can access everything via other menus).

There's no inappropriate time to laugh. In fact, inappropriate laughter is even funnier- the thrill of doing something you know you shouldn't be.

I never lie, but I also avoid volunteering information (lie by ommission). The other thing that helps is that I am painfully blunt and tactless, which discourages people from enquiring after my opinion.

Y'know how I learned to touch type? Programming. I spent so much time typing that it just came naturally. I don't type the "right" way, but I manage 70WPM, so that's good enough for me.

olegna, are you trying to say that the "Seven Habits" are actually a steaming pile of crap? In case you're not, I'll just go a head with saying so.