He did die from the knife wound. He only lived long enough to say goodbye to bro and papa Drazen.
He did die from the knife wound. He only lived long enough to say goodbye to bro and papa Drazen.
That was more Herc's fault than Carver, and we all know how awful Herc was at police work. I was a little bitter that Herc got a promotion after his numerous failings, even if he literally got the promotion by entering the right room at the right time.
There have been a lot of terrible Simpsons episodes during the last 15 years, but none made my stomach turn as hard as "The Boys of Bummer". Springfield basically turned Bart Simpson into a pariah for committing the atrocious, unforgivable crime of…losing a little league baseball game? There was nothing darkly ironic…
We ALL wished that was the plot for season six, but I imagine doing all that was too difficult for the writers, or too costly for the show's budget. Instead, they had to make a new plot, which still could have been decent if they stuck close to Jack's weakened state like the first four hours did, and didn't forget…
1) Season five - From start to finish, damn near everything worked. The twists were perfectly times, every scenario crackled with tension (even the minor hostage standoff in hours 3-4 was AWE inspiring), and even when the show recycled ideas, it did so in a fresh way. Oddly enough, season five had a weakness unique to…
Oh my god. I want to copy and paste this post every time some liberal ridicules 24 as some anti-Muslim, right-wing fantasy, just because Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh endorsed the show. This is absolutely beautiful.
I don't get the disdain for season 4. In terms of plot consistency, it was better than most 24 seasons. Season two dropped off in the last third, seasons three and eight didn't really get going until the second half, season seven was wildly inconsistent (1st third was average, 2nd third was great, last third was…
I hope she's good enough to purge the "Hannah McKay" aftertaste of Dexter season 8. I didn't hate the character, but my god, I HATED how the writers shipped her with Dexter and majorly derailed season 8's promising ending into pure schlock.
90% lethal, if my memory serves me correctly. 10% is still pretty unlikely, but hey.
Season six was a case of the writers trying really, really hard to top the craziness of season five instead of wisely scaling back. Setting off a nuke in the suburbs sets a VERY high bar for the other twenty hours, and alas, the writers thought the best solution was make "Bluetooth" Jack's brother. What.
I'd switch seasons 3 and 4, but that's roughly my list as well. Season 2 would have easily reached the top three, if the plot did not limp during the last third. After the bomb threat ended, the rest felt like filler to wrap up the season. There were intriguing ideas, but most of them were halfway realized at best.
@avclub-c252b9390befbfe200d59090a071c413:disqus I thought this episode was lacking for the reasons you stated, and more.
Last week's episode, while not phenomenal, was a lot more promising compared to the mess I watched last night. Almost nothing really endeared me through the episode. To go into specifics:
This, although there is an exception to that standard. There are some games when both players are trying to destroy each other's bases simultaneously to see who does it first (a.k.a., a "base race"), which can be very tense to watch, and is seen as a respectable way to win a game. However, I have seen people…
Scarlett's more comfortable using a Mutalisk/Zergling/Baneling combo against Terran bio (i.e., Marines/Marauder/Medivac combo), so that may have factored in. It's more than likely that she didn't want to worry about controlling slower, more gas intensive Infestors, and rely more on hit and run tactics.
Early Zergling rushes are stopped by walling off your base (usually the main ramp). Terran players conveniently do this by building Barracks and Supply Depots (the former which can be lifted into the air, and the latter can raise and drop like a gate). Protoss can wall off with Gateways and other structures as well,…
I get what Kanye was trying to say, but it felt like he read a few passages from a book or some internet articles without contextualizing everything properly. This wouldn't be a problem if Kanye hasn't proved that he was pretty articulate in the past, but what he said in Power 105 was essentially gibberish without any…
Your mileage may vary on Kanye's public dis of Bush, but given the colossally slow pace of the federal government response after Katrina, it was hard to criticize him when he was voicing the obvious frustration of the black community. Was it tactful and appropriate? Nope. I'm sure Kanye thought little of Mike Myers's…
Even if you don't catch all the Hobbit/Kanye references, the episode still stands well on its own. It's a very grounded, down-to-earth episode after the grandiose massacre of the Black Friday themed one.