
wait is it actually confirmed in the show?

You guys gonna have those Bryan Fuller interviews like you had after every episode this year?

She wasn't locked up there she just stayed there because most people are scared of her.

they dont want Doran to know.

They are doing the greyscale thing with jorah and tyrion. They filmed a huge scene with a boat on a river with greenscreen.

Weakest episode, but I still really enjoyed the paranoid sub plot and the Blaine being a criminal boss part. Obviously someone is going to recognize those shoes, but I'm pretty sure Blaine won't be connected or only Liv will make the connection.

? the main plot was always the development of Saul. The big climax of the season was the reveal of chuck's betrayal and how nothing Saul would ever do as a lawyer would make Chuck proud. Him going home and scamming montage was his reliving what he truly was and what he will latter become which is what the whole show

Except they showed today that this isn't true because they become regular zombies forever if they don't eat brains regularly.

The direwolf and the Girl are both named after the famous Nymeria.

This was a lot of fun. It won't blow people away, but if you want a fun show to watch with good banter this is it.

Actually all he said was that he wouldn't lose any of his strength after his "process".

Disagree completely with the letter grade. This season has been some of the best television I have ever watched… and I watch a lot of television.

I wonder if those guys burned Burton's parts to speak to a demon.

Nope they got 2 different teams. The problem with Wolf was that they changed a majority of the story, so their was massive rewrites that happened which delayed the episode.

I have to say that credits smash cut was an always sunny or parks and recs level smash cut. I couldn't stop laughing until the credits finished.

Well apparantly its 35 episodes a season

On the Better Call Saul insider podcast they Gilligan and McClaren talk about doing new types of shots for this show.

god dammit……………

He damaged his hand while filming season 2. Thats why they added a scene when he goes to save Rebecca he gets hit in the wrist. Apparently it was really bad.