actually he cut 2 battles the one with stannis and the boltons and the one at mereen with the ironborn, tirion, and second sons.
actually he cut 2 battles the one with stannis and the boltons and the one at mereen with the ironborn, tirion, and second sons.
I mean most comics have villains that fight and kill for "melodramatic bullshit"
I disagree the weakest episode was the first of season 2 with too much exposition. If you think a shootout dragged you shouldn't be watching the show. The main point of Emmetts death was to have a main antagonist group for hood to go after next season.
Love this show!
they reveled that at the epilogue in storm of swords.
I seemed to enjoy it a lot more than the reviewer. I laughed a lot this episode which made me enjoy it that much more.