
Damn, I’m actually disappointed that this is now at least a partially open-world game.

*insert Skyrim meme about spending 2 hours customizing your character’s facial features and then immediately putting on a helmet and wearing it for the entire game. ;)

A year ago during Hurricane Michael.  We can keep going if you’d like.  User name definitely checks out. 

I can run the generators for 2 weeks, I can run power equipment, I can fill vehicles, and I can help others.  

I’m not sure I understand the point of this message.

A summary of New Orleans flooding issues for those who are interested:

Unfortunately there’s a lot of homegrown Floridians that think being prepared for a hurricane is simply having an extra bottle of booze. Don’t think that there are not wildfires, severe winter and summer storms, or tornadoes in the northern states. All of these occasions require planning and preparation.

Make sure you record the event in landscape mode.

I am old enough to remember that plastic bags were going to save the environment.

No, please be stupid with gasoline.

Let’s thin the herd a bit.


Why do you hate fun, Max?

Ah, I remember the first time I found this guy, in Gold:

Oh. It’s a tree pokemon. Cyndaquil, use ember.


Here is your daily dose of pedantic knowledge:

Even if the leash managed to wrap itself around the shifter, the brake would still have to be depressed to get it from park to neutral.

We didn’t listen!

Next cult hit:

Who knows, maybe those scooters will finally take off?

I apologize in advance for my naivete.... but, why do Japanese cars...especially the JDM market only vehicles like this one... have their badges.( and interior buttons) in English?