Yea ive said this too. Wraith and Bloodhound are the only 2 that I don’t find annoying
Yea ive said this too. Wraith and Bloodhound are the only 2 that I don’t find annoying
... why not just stop at Balls and Bees
These are all tremendously accurate now that I think about it. I need to now go find my other comment and delete but it did mention how I fully think Shroud is probably completely uncoordinated in any other aspect of life besides gaming
lol just sayin
Counterpoint: cant wait for same Patagonia vest to ride out in front of me ignoring traffic laws on said bike/scooter, fall off from being drunk, or hell even uneven pavement while sober, crush his head and then me get charged with manslaughter or have the family come after me
This statement is like almost redundant and stupid. Went from most popular, to most popular. Yea that was a real mountain of accomplishment he climbed...
Im sorry this doesnt make sense. Unless Shroud is as uncoordinated as he looks, and I imagine he is, in every other aspect of life, there is almost no conceivable way:
For real this! I cant even understand how at all in any of these that he was able to “hit the brakes” hard enough to accomplish this shit
Lol you act like college wasnt already a business based on bullshit lies and promises....
I did specify in the first comment i was talking things like a huracan and 650s. Obviously things like TDFs, or GT2RS’ are different animals. But ok yes now that youve clarified its one of Ze Germans, I absolutely dont doubt that everyone test drives something with those as I completely understand the majority of that…
Lmao, I’d stick to talking about the specific part of the industry youre in because this is absolutely the most ignorant comment ive ever heard someone make in quite some time... “They’re buying cars they specifically will not drive.”... Its literally so dumb I almost doubt you’re in the industry at all... And just…
every phone is basically $1000 now...
lol like im gona believe a twat wearing a digital camo hat doesn’t act tough and talk mad shit....
sure.... if you look past his insane ego
Its just become way too expensive to really be a good option anymore, it doesn’t really win in any segment. I figured this was coming.
Hot take: Every car should get an F1 version on their 10th anniversary
You underestimate the amount of people who dont test drive cars. Hell im in the exotic business and Id say almost 40% dont. And im not talking like collector exotics either, these are normal people shopping between like a huracan and a 650s that dont drive them. And even weirder, some will just ask to be driven in the…
Bank tellers have been doing that last part for years. I enjoy going in to the bank weirdly, as it makes me feel a little more secure when im depositing larger checks. But i have had multiple times, actually easily the majority of times now, the teller tell me to use the atm at the front of the building.... Im just…
Bank tellers have been doing that last part for years. I enjoy going in to the bank weirdly, as it makes me feel a little more secure when im depositing larger checks. But i have had multiple times, actually easily the majority of times now, the teller tell me to use the atm at the front of the building.... Im just…