t bone pickens

Trump couldn’t pass a third grade civics test.

The people planning to vote for him(?)

Trump’s going to see thousands of Muslims cheering outside his window.

It was an inside American job.

His sons?


Is there anyone on earth who knows less about government and/or diplomacy than the orange goblin?

Not if Elizabeth Warren is his opponent. She would mop the floor with Yaz himself in a political contest.

I can’t wait for Elizabeth Warren to ask during a debate “What kind of conservative takes a multi-million dollar loan for their business?”

“What do you think I’ve been doing over here?” — Trump

I’ve been contacted by people whose opinion I give credence to and I listen to and I listened.

I’ll tell you: the Hornets won, because Redford can’t bitch about the meaninglessness of every event in the game and yet use the game to fill his word count quota.

A 15-foot runner is actually a hard shot!

“If it’s old enough to bleed...” -Curt Schilling

I mean, what are you supposed to do if a dinner party guest starts talking about stabbing your other guests in the neck and makes a move to start smashing dishes? Just let her wreck the place? Wait for her to hurt someone?

Yes, it does, but in this case there seem to be multiple witnesses (including her friend) backing up his story. So far it sounds like he wasn’t the problem in this situation. First time for everything!

Dammit, Cleveland, we’re running out of time!

“I bet that’s not real blood.”

No, I mean literally. Props to Bauer are what got him in this mess.