t bone pickens

Which hemisphere? Northern? Western? It would actually be kind of a big deal if Trump wasn’t just full of shit

wrong sport

look at you telling people when they’re too wealthy to make more money

you should quit your job or never go on the internet again

I mean, the blackface tweet is simply calling a spade a spade, idk how that is ill advised

the last one is the best

I completely agree with that. It seems to me like people only get worked up about PEDs when they’re told to

PEDs or not, these people are still doing these things, and it’s not like they’d be the only ones juicing

their online coverage had pole vault playing in between races both days, NBC could’ve done the same, but I guess more Olympics viewers are interested in bullshit interview or whatever they do instead

i like how you blame obama for not ending racism, then in the next paragraph complain about the “cancer” of not being able to insult and offend whoever you want without consequence

the most common mistakes people make are eating too much and not exercising properly or enough

You can still lose and maintain weight while eating carbs, even if its only 100-120g of carbs per day. That is going to be much more sustainable for the vast majority of people, and you’ll feel better all around

When did Stan Van Gundy manage the Dodgers?

I think I have some pretty good real life results in both strength and aesthetics. A ketogenic diet will be effective for losing weight but it’s overkill when pretty much no one needs to do that to lose weight or fat, while also being potentially dangerous, and having negative effects on other aspects of one’s

counting calories and macros is THE MOST consistent and reliable way to lose, maintain, or gain weight. You can’t go full IIFYM Bro, but tracking your diet is incredibly important, especially when you’re at a weight your body wants to stay around

seriously, don’t do that shit unless you’re like prepping for a bodybuilding show

that’s some damn good progress. keep it up


we all ignore every other genetic advantage any other athlete has, so that argument is kinda weak

what an unnecessarily harsh, and incredibly stupid reply