t bone pickens

no one even mentioned culpepper, or trent green, or john beck, or aj feely, or sage rosenfels (who i thought was the answer for one season)

no there’s not

no that business crashed the day it opened

“flat stomach and good health are rewards enough”

he’s not a woman so he doesn’t have to be nice and sweet, he can be the big tough man who will kill isis by himself

from cardio?

and protein is more thermodynamic than carbs and fats, which is partly why extra protein is less likely to be turned into body fat

so if you gain 5 pounds of muscle in a year that’s 250 calories, which doesn’t seem like much but it is

buddy just skip the sit ups altogether and actually exercise

get surgery after you lose the weight. it’s gonna be there no matter what because 90 lbs is a lot of weight to lose but you got it

people love their college football though, think they’d let it go?

deadspin’s comment section is full of visionaries today

would the players go for that? how many non practice squad guys are going to want to give up months of their offseason just to beat up their bodies again for probably very little money and then go have training camp and play the actual season in the fall?

well they haven’t so the olympics still hold the spot as the biggest event in the world for many individual sports. also, why would a soft drink company create a competition that rivals the olympics

I agree that it’s totally corrupt, but for a lot of sports the olympics is as big as it gets

literally the only way to reduce concussions in football is to not play iike it is now. switch to 7 on 7 with kids

plenty of other people get it, some don’t

i have not experienced it but i understand it and their choice to go, so nice try

well you haven’t spent your life training for that, so you do not understand all that the athlete’s have put in with this goal in mind. it’s just plain ignorant

most legal supplements don’t do jack, but they’re all juicing still