All I can think of is "man, I can't wait until space travel becomes commonplace enough to where a group of dirt bikers could take their electric rides to Mars and catch some bitchin' air."
All I can think of is "man, I can't wait until space travel becomes commonplace enough to where a group of dirt bikers could take their electric rides to Mars and catch some bitchin' air."
its a common thought from westernized people pampered in life to believe that they could escape conditions like that, where being poor in america still means you can have a iphone and a car, aircon refrigerator etc etc.. People in western countries have no idea how most of the world lives.
...enjoy then! I quite like my sanitized suburb :D
Title of the pic should be "THIS IS THE FUTURE" because it fucking is and it will be for the US in due time alongside several other countries that are not already in the shit.
Fuck this.
That was really great! Now I feel like I need to go learn to go learn some Quantum Physics. Though the Muppets version will always be my favorite.
@Whack-a-mole: Absolutely. I argued with Ron for an hour, and finally just put my foot down. No full frontal. It's not age-appropriate anymore.