
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Dialing 411 takes much longer than opening a phone book and finding a number. It also requires someone to be employed by the phone company, for them to have an office, some kind of phone database and get to work every day. That takes a lot of energy, actually. Typing google is easy, sure,

With a big sticker on the back that says "This van rocks no longer"

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Why would I want to use a 411 service when it takes less time to open a phone book? Why would I want an entire generation that has broke 60 to have a more difficult time finding numbers? How am I going to find a phone number easily and quickly in a hotel with no free wifi - a situation I ran

@wack0br: The PS1 emulator the PS3 uses is actually way less glitchy and buggy than ePSXe.

I've found this whole anti-phone book thing kind of silly, if I'm honest. Maybe it's because I actually use the phone book a fair bit when looking for numbers - though I have to find the number of people with strangely spelled names a lot. Maybe it's because I know there are hotels without free wifi where such things

@brijazz: Why do you think it's so impossible for a new band to try non-traditional distribution and do quite well at it? All they need is word of mouth. While Bon Iver, for instance, did get a traditional release, initial buzz was from self-released tracks.

@brijazz: I'm actually not sure you can prove that. Yes, they did make plenty of money doing so, but they also began recording well before such things were possible. It's entirely possible for someone who isn't as famous as Radiohead or NIN to try experimental distribution for a debut, and do as well as they would

The clear solution is to put more positive mentions, or posmens, into the program itself. Perhaps episodes where characters purchase and have a positive experience with GE drilling equipment.

@Manly McBeeferton: It was a while ago, but wasn't Firefly also moved around to different spots more often than a pregnant teenager in 1958?

Dead front is about the only angle where the Cygnet looks decent, ignoring the wholly inappropriate badge. The whickety whack proportions aren't as obvious and the grille is almost nice.

@tonyola: I live here, so I find the snow everyone's crying about puny.

@Zadkiel: My first instinct was "Haters gonna hate".

Causation and correlation. I believe that people who regularly play racing games are also people more likely to drive enthusiastically. Is this because of the game, or because people who enjoy driving and enjoy cars are also more likely to buy racing titles? Are these people more likely to drive enthusiastically

Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat. Who? The holder of the first land speed record in 1898. Which essentially means the first hoon. It wasn't extremely fast - 39 mph - but it represented the beginnings of that hoon spirit. Take a horseless carriage, see what you can make it do.

We meet again...

@ProudGeek: Transformers is brought to you by General Motors.

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Now there's a character I hope doesn't get revived for the film series. It'd break my heart to see something go from a Lancia Stratos in Alitalia livery to whatever GM wants to pimp whenever the new Transformers shows up.

@philselmer: Unfortunately, style dictates that people who wear these shoes are a less desirable mate, so biomechanics or no biomechanics, they will not contribute to the propagation of your genetic line.