
I want that in my life. Though I want the 46" version, for space reasons.

I see that the BMW is part of the illustrious Pen 15 Club.

On one hand, Samsung's designs are getting increasingly more interesting and higher quality.

@mat: My cat has flipped out after she hit something with her own tail. Didn't kill her, obviously, but then again it's a cat so she's not flying with a big flock.

@Tom_Servo: Yes, grandpa, music died with the Victrola.

I tend to buy stuff on impulse, and Wal Mart and Superstore (a Canadian chain) are near my house, so those places. Or Steam if there's a killer deal.

@Zom-B: Pretty sure SMB 2 would lead you astray. "Why can't I pull these shrubberies???"

@Howunfortunate: I'm going to say the World is Not Enough or that crappy Bond racing game, for one reason - BMW Z8 in the late '90s, I don't think anyone else had it in their stuff.

Bourne Identity Mini. Because even a beat up old Mini is still enough to do some serious car chases.

@sbryan: I never said toys would never amount to anything. There's a place for toys, it's a profitable niche, and many consumers just want a toy they can play around with and watch videos on or play Angry Birds. That's perfectly fine, it's a big market. I even openly stated that the consumer tablet market is probably

@Kaiser-Machead: That car was part of the reason that I wanted to see Swordfish. There were two other reasons, obviously, but to be completely honest I think the Tuscan was the more exciting one.

The Continental that died for Goldfinger. Reportedly the cast and crew just sat in silence as they crushed it, in awe of what they were doing.

One of the neatest things I've seen today was a docking tablet that was used by the man assessing the damage to my car. He had to run a windows program in order to get the assorted costs to car parts, but also had to run to the car and double check what he needed and where applicable parts were. So blam, take it out

Bizzarrini you say?

@Jezuz: The parents, to their credit, do not pay for the kids' handhelds directly, all game systems are purchased through saving allowance and odd jobs the kids do for friends and family. Though I think grandma replaced the one she broke, and the most recent replacements saw them just saying screw it and getting a DSi

@Jezuz: 12 and 14, but they're actually mostly responsible with their stuff, and the accidents that did them in were mostly not their fault - the first hinge to bite the dust was due to a grandmother dropping it, I think the second one involved a dog knocking it off the table - and hinges on DS Lites are notoriously

@FodderTheSane: Well, my point was a silly joke, but also that Ford tends to adapt the Mustang to the times, while GM spent more effort marketing the F-body than they did adapting it.

@Jezuz: To be honest though, I've never had a PS2 break - the old fatty is still soldiering on, the only one I ever had to buy - and while my DS Lite has survived, my nephews have gone through several DS Lites because the hinges keep breaking on them.

@FodderTheSane: Ford saved the Mustang by going to the Fox platform, GM saved the F-Body by giving one to Burt Reynolds and, later, David Hasselhoff. If only they would have found an appropriate star in the '90s.