
When you're encouraging people to get others to share your hobby, think about how annoyed you would be in a similar situation. I hate hockey, I hate coffee. Nothing is going to change this, and I'm fine with that.

It's weird to see everyone going "oh, snow, a bloo bloo bloo." I see that much snow on an average Tuesday! In May!

Internal combustion, for all it's myriad pleasures, remains loud, so Aunt Mildred will hear you when you leave the house. Electricity, however, is quiet, so you can safely escape before they notice. Range is low, but you can have the excuse that you ran out of juice at the Free Hooker Inn and had to stop and recharge.

@The_Lovely_Miss_Bronx: I thought you were going to say "replace the hipster narrators with Bono falling into a pit."

@snap_understeer_ftw: You forgot the final line, "I don't know why you'd want this over (different game)."

@tkuhl87: Of course, and sometimes the "deleted" features are installed anyway and you're just not told about them. I know at one point every Honda Civic had a keyless entry receiver installed, but you weren't given a remote if you didn't order the option - can't remember what the option cost was, but if you could get

@duurtlang: Seven cars is still a lot of cars. Not quite K-car levels - Pretty sure VW's not putting a bloody limo on that thing - but still enough that people get it, and it doesn't have that nasty K-car stank all over it.

@tonyola: I think the K-car sedans might have aged better had Chrysler designers been allowed to use tools other than a T-square when designing them. I knew a guy with a Dynasty, it was actually better than you'd think, but since it looked and felt like it would be appropriate on the set of Dynasty, it was not

You know, the K-car name is so loaded with bad memories that just bringing up a comparison is going to lead to controversy.

Tyco Eliminator. It was small, it was black, it could go pretty fast, if you put scotch tape on the rear wheels it could do MAD DORIFTOOOO!

@tkuhl87: Actually, that makes more sense than a missing Aux plug, as weird as it sounds. Most companies try to normalize their audio equipment. So, in order to reduce variation, there will be one radio that goes in most of the line. Cruise control can be left off, but you if you install a stereo, it's going to have

@pseizure2000: You misunderstand completely. I AGREE that people who complain about maintenance on complicated machines are wrong. If you read what I said, you will understand that I agree on that point.

@pseizure2000: On one hand, you're right, with regular maintenance a BMW is going to be perfectly reliable. It's a very complicated mechanical object, and as such is going to require maintenance. Complaining about that is just being a moron.

Now playing

Also on Italian television. But at least they're not kissing?

@SteveJobsSexLife: In context, she's got to tell you the function of an icon, the feeling you should get when you see it - Happy computer, yay. Watch, time to wait. Bomb, oh shi... - and do it with a tiny number of pixels in black and white.

@ortizlgnd4: It's a Disney movie about people being transported into a computer with lasers. Of course it's inaccurate.

@ortizlgnd4: It's the signature look of the series.