
@se7a7n7: Really? I'm not sure a Kinect type interface would make sense on something that lives in your pocket, and is generally used relatively close to your body.

@Duuuuuuude: Shocking truths about Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny, I bet.

@Kryptolojik: You are genuinely looking for any reason possible to be paranoid.

@SG79: Why is it bizarre? There are legit reasons to allow Microsoft to monitor what you're doing, those being troubleshooting or beta testing. That's why the option exists.

@Salen: Skittles no!

@TheTonyShow: No, you have the option of turning it on yourself, likely for troubleshooting or to get into a beta. It's written right there.

@Kryptolojik: It's for people who want to participate in betas or Kinect improvement surveys, as stated in the article. That is why the setting exists, and it is a reason that makes sense.

@ashthrace: Well, you shouldn't, even if Microsoft isn't looking in the person on the other end could easily record or broadcast it or whatever.

@philaDLJ: I had one of those, ran great but if you listened closely you could hear the body rusting. Fantastically fun little car though, wish I still had it.

Fine, they're usually held together by bailer twine and railroad ties, and they aren't exactly what you would call showroom fresh, but it is basically impossible to kill an old pickup truck.

@dana22: That is the saddest thing I have ever seen.

@otherface: I think he was referring it starting World AT War, the Call of Duty game, not World War II, the actual historical event.

@subterfunk: Maybe they were drawing cubist cactuses!

@resvrgam: Can I say I'm happy about this? Because I would cry if they fucked up Silent Hill 2. It's perfect as it is, don't ever change.

@geolemon: Pretty much this. Video calls are cool in concept, but the situations where you can actually do them are limited - they even need to be planned, so you aren't in your boxer shorts when your boss calls/are in your sexy boxers when your lover calls. It actually limits what you can do and where you can go

@Alpha_PL: They've been in the business for almost 30 years. I imagine they want to be able to switch careers while there's still time, or do something different with their life. It could be argued that there's something freaky going on at Japanese publishers we don't know about as well.

@Dirt Pirate: Legend also has it that the rear window will fall out if you jack it wrong. There could be an entire Mythbusters episode dedicated to it.