
@OfficerMike: And then Kodak says WTF a second time. It's pretty similar to dropping your film off at the store, just like you remember!

Man, this ad is seriously insulting to old people. "You're too stupid to use a digital camera, you'd better go back to film!"

@timbuktu: Yeah, I was mostly referring to the G8. The GTO probably could have done well if they had marketed it a bit differently, lots of people I know expected something very different from the badge.

People should not be HDRed. When it was doing scenery, it was great. When it got to the talking man, it just looked awful.

@juicysushi: If the car wasn't a sacrifice why are you constantly calling it an appliance? If you're calling it an appliance, you're saying it's a car you don't want - implying it is a sacrifice - and you're blaming your daughter for the choice, whether you admit it or not.

@timbuktu: To be fair, nobody also bought one because it was a time when GM's future was uncertain and Pontiac specifically looked to be on its way out. Plenty of people were worried that their local dealer would disappear - my local Pontiac dealer started selling Hyundais, for example.

Suzuki Cappuccino. In spite of loving it to bits, in the back of my mind, I'll realize that it's a tiny, RHD convertible in a LHD rural area. It would fit neatly under my obnoxious neighbour's lift kit equipped F350. The town I live in is filled with annoying elderly people who can't drive.

@jodark: This is completely within the realm of possibility for natural gas. A local town had a break in a smaller delivery line a couple years back which took out an area about the size of a city block, and that was caused by some excavating equipment nicking a pipe.

@juicysushi: The thing is, you're still acting like the car is an appliance. Just don't do that. A sensible, practical car can be more than that if you don't go to yourself "Oh, it's just a Corolla, it's an appliance, I'm giving up fun and joy for family." It's sad, and a poor example for your child. A kid shouldn't

@Erwin: I read that as "beating a horse at roulette" and spent a good minute wondering why, exactly, a horse would be particularly good at games of chance.

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: Then they'll obsess over something else. At least they're not obsessively trying to make the perfect batch of crystal meth or something.

@juicysushi: I need reliable, economical transportation for day to day life. Hell, my car is even Corolla-based. Doesn't mean I can't have fun with it, doesn't mean I didn't spec it to be as entertaining as possible, doesn't mean that it isn't more than a car to me.

Honestly they should just get a big chain and make an iPad case for your neck.

@tylerbrainerd: Just because something is normal doesn't mean it should be.

@Yerzriknot: I actually distinctly remember many Christians approving of Piss Christ and the message it represented. One of its most prominent defenders was a nun.

@xyzpdq: Nobody has said he couldn't burn the Koran. Everybody has said he shouldn't burn the Koran, but he is still legally allowed to do so. He has cancelled due to pressure, but legally he could still go ahead.

@elvisml2: Looking closely at that chart, the most disturbing thing is that nobody is above a 9th grade level.

@MichaelPalin: It has something to do with picking players and plotting their statistics using complex math to make another team, in order to prove you're a good judge of player ability.

@TRT-X: Have you ever seen those relationships between two people where one partner does not allow the other the freedom to spend their own money, do their hobbies, or really live their life? I have, it's pretty depressing, I don't want that.

I've always wanted to have a museum of automotive failure, a collection of cars that were lessons from history, examples of how not to design, sell, or build automobiles. There's just something that's fascinating about bad ideas and poor choices, and how people somehow don't immediately realize that they've got what