
@Siderz: If 5 miles of air doesn't stop a lighting bolt, why would you think 6 inches would be an obstacle?

@Miltank: My father was an aeronautical engineer, (he studied wood and cloth construction in college, and the A-10 project was the last one he worked on before he retired... that he could talk about.) and we had many long, detailed talks about such things... at least the unclassified stuff. I'm still fascinated by all

@adinnieken: Modern ejection seats are "zero-zero": Zero altitude, zero airspeed. You can punch out sitting on the runway, not moving.

@stressball: One of the controls common in this kind of flying is a variable-pitch prop. Unlike the ones on full-scale aircraft like the C-130, there isn't any landing gear interlock on the models that keeps you from using full reverse pitch without weight on the landing gear. So, they just point the nose down, give

Wasn't Fredric Pohl here years ago (1977) with his Gateway/Heechee series?

Now playing

@Yankees368: That plane looks to be a variation of a "foamie" electric RC - probably weighs just a few ounces INCLUDING batteries, servos, radio, and motor, and has a thrust to weight ratio of over 2:1 . Vertical takeoff is NOT a problem.

@FriedPeeps: Been there... His name was George Lazenby.

@TheNimboo: ... that's what's on the other side, shown in the second picture...

Those transparent floors would give you a wonderful view...

@PDT767: What, they can make a supercomputer, but air conditioning and fans are beyond their technology?

@Ajhayter: Yeah, the Mary Rose is older. So's the Greek ship mikeships mentioned.

"Ancient"?? 200 years old is "ancient" now?

I have to wonder how much faster it would be if the aisles were only 2 feet wide...

@im.thatoneguy3: Ummm.... that's not a bill. It's a 5 cent postage stamp. Or postage scrip. "Money", it ain't.

@mexi1010: Actually, they grow on cotton plants...

@Gary_7vn: Well, there is one more thing you need to know...

@dirtlamb5: Oh, I LIKE that. :) Think of it as a "natural valved trumpet".

I don't get it. Those things have been a staple in US stadiums and toy stores for over 30 years and nobody ever got this exercised over them. They've never really caught on here. All it is is a plastic trumpet. Get over it already. If it weren't for all the attention the things have been getting in the media, the