@JS_Drupal: Truth ^
@JS_Drupal: Truth ^
I find Rod's humility astounding. He really had a great personality.
I'd prefer to have cheap mom n pop places instead of Blockbuster. I'm happy that Blockbuster is going out of business.
This is all just viral marketing for Paranormal Activity 2.......awwwww yeah!
@RyanXP: Negative. Perhaps there is a sync option active in your phone that is causing that?
@tedknaz: I'm considering doing the same thing for mine. HTCs Sense is alright, I'm not a fan of the crapware whos processes won't die.
"He points out that even 30-35% of Avatar was shot in 2D and converted later"
So, you wait for over a minute to get one bite worth of ice cream?
"Hey guys, I'm sorry about killing off Darth Maul really early....so we went to the drawing board, and used all of Lucasfilms incredible talent to develop this new great character, introducing Savage Oppress! Yeah, he's badass because hes Darth Mauls bigger and better brother!"
4 BluRay Box Sets from now, we'll be able to buy the unaltered originals on blu ray. 6 DELUXE box sets from now, we'll be able to get the original 3 with the deleted scenes added in.....
@Smeagol92055: Haha, badass. That takes me back. :)
@Smeagol92055: Wasn't this from the show Eerie Indiana? The one where the kids were kept in tupperware containers?
This is a terrible idea.
I have serious reservations. What may help is, if he doesn't write it and Reynolds pulls some rank with character caveats.
@ZeonChar: You used to be able to hang out with them, now they foster an environment where its only safe to meet anybody if they're behind a desk.
@Plague: No, you're completely right. Con has devolved into some Hollywood clusterfuck. When tickets were $50 bucks and preview night was empty, that was when it was still focused on comics.
My Modern Warefare 2 Xbox is way better than this.
The swag 4 years ago was better, I can actually use a USB Stick. What the fuck am I going to do with this shit?
A prequel and/or a sequal to Watchmen would just be another nail in the coffin for poignant, creative storytelling. Bring it on Hollywood, I want to see you rape artistic and philosophical values; because, I do in fact like comedies.
Top pic = awesome