
@zenneth: You know, you must not have much going on if you are so proud of making it to ripe old age of 39.

@zenneth: Pretentiously predictable.

@zenneth: "if you've spent any time here at Giz, you'd know I tend to throw a little eloquence and flair into pretty much every post I make, with a few notable exceptions."

@MifuneT: It sure as hell did, I'm sorry man.

@MifuneT: I hope avante garde is worth the $250. When the next iphone comes out, and your case is worthless. I'll still have $250, and you'll be...I don't know...have considerably less and will still be throwing money down a hole?

Speaking of Futurama...

Yeah, I really hope XPRT Ventures has more capitol than Ebay to pay their lawyers with.

@robo: "Yeah it's cheap, but the specs are weak to match."

Why is it, whenever I read these articles I feel like its watching a DragonBall Z episode?

I'm underwhelmed by this product.

I didn't think I'd ever need to downgrade. However, I actually found a reason the other day.

"1 and done I always say...well, I said that once."

If my dad got this, it would've fooled me. I was all excited to use the big mechanical thingy when I was young.

"It fucking prints money...."

@owen-magnetic: bahahaha, your posts are golden. Massive dittos.

@jinchoung: I think we can agree to disagree. How about that?

@zenneth: Thats a good looking E-Peen, you get surgery or is it always that big?