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Im going to work for the TSA.

The Money.

NO HD? Aw come the fuck on. I was starting to like the sound of this thing too.

And I was looking forward to the Pre2...sigh...

He has a point. While the iPhone is a good phone—-More is better.

Played it for 10 mins, figured for 2$ why not?

SEE GEE EYE is oh so obvious. But it was obvious in the SpiderMan movies, and nobody seemed to mind.

@joshl: lol this is from 2004 :)

Maybe they NEED to spend some more time down here on Earth—-so they can step in some Reality(shit). :)

@Yournamehere!: Well, this guy is the only thing more powerful than a nuke, and being that he isnt in this movie.....should kinda give you a hint as to the fate of the world, when the most powerful bomb known to man doesnt work. ;)

@Yournamehere!: what part of "Alien ship is hit with a nuke and crashes. Then it starts to reconstruct itself." made you think the humans prevailed? lol.

@Jesse Astle: In the second episode, theres a scene where he is climbing a ladder, and there is a horde of zombies below him. I can think of nothing more perfect, but alas, he has still not used it yet.

Now playing

Merle didnt want that hand anyways. I dont blame him.

@Orionsaint: But he cant sing like him, i bet.