
While Livanart is dressed as a black character with black skin, she hasn’t applied make-up or paint; her transformation into Pyke is achieved through the wearing of a prosthetic suit. Critics see this as a loophole, and that the same intent as blackface—to alter your skin colour to match that of a black person, a

What do you call the growing population on the opposite end who willingly toss out the rule book and chalk up all horrible writing under the guise of it adapting and growing? I’m all for not being overly strict with the rules (ie. I intentionally say stupid things such as “going to get your hair did”) but I’m also

When a tweet comes out wrong

you arent incorrect but I think the author is mischaracterizing Yang’s supporters because real white nationalists wouldn’t support him. This was just a smear job on the authors part

“In response to this director’s comment that pop culture is too sensitive these days, here’s an snarky, backhanded screed about how offended we are by his remarks.”

Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't

Both unnecessary and failing to understand the game’s dynamics.

I get the idea of calling folks on being pretentious, however dumbing down your language skills so you don’t appear to be elitist is short-minded. Yes some people get offended because I use words they don’t understand but this in English and not everything needs to be expressed solely in lyrics from a country or rap

Tremendous teenage angst in this thread.

Wow do the somments make me want to take my one single rental property off the market which will only make your rents go up elsewhere. Way better to not be a landlord, i guess :/

Good thing you Americans are here to show us what poor sports you all are. Thanks, Serena. 

This isn’t what it sounds like at first. What threw me off was “a type of dodge ball”.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

It's not delivery, it's dead gramma!

I have nothin but love for this entire community. But lets be real here.

Sorry. We can’t all just be oh so above it all cynical little know-nothings who shit on people who do their jobs correctly. I mean, God forbid the economists at the Federal Reserve actually confirm things with evidence. Good luck finding a writing sample to use for your next job. Lots of websites looking for average

I know, right?!!?  Who are these fucking IDIOTS at the Fed who think it’s important to provide actual evidence-based, quantifiable studies that actually demonstrates things??!!  Fucking MORONS!!!!!  Why can’t they be self-absorbed bloggers who know “My experience is universally true, because it’s MEEEEEEE!!!”?

Wait, who the fuck is Gabe’s family?

Krystal Ball: