Sylvie the Grey

I feel like you guys are in Twilight Zone America/ 1984

I think they meant to say “reputational harm.” It’s also a weird phrasing but it’s the term they usually use in defamation cases.

I found something about the demeanour of the brother to be off. I don't know why.

Best wishes to them

Yeah, I think they mean 46% of male republican primary voters and 30% of female republican primary voters.

I think that they mean 30% of female Republican Primary Voters, and 46% of Republican Primary Voters, and not 30% and 46% of Trump’s supports are female/male respectively.

What else though? If I were her, I don’t think anything about picture number two would strike me as obviously *feminist* other than the weight stereotype.

Like what? Pretty much any reason someone else used her photos without permission to post mocking her seems fucked up and unnecessary.

I met one “nice guy” who frequently complained that he was so nice and thus women didn’t like him... who also told misogynistic jokes and said that he had done the “bucking bronco” on a woman. I know this article isn’t about “nice guys” but I think your comment gave me latitude for a tangent.

Bah, why did I read that?

Is “shit their eyes” a saying? Yowza, that's an image.


I think the National Post is closer to the Sun as far as newspapers go. Is your comment meant as shade on the WSJ?

Snopes said that they didn’t ban guns from their convention, but it was a combination of local legislation and policies of the venues where the event was being held. I am actually kind of disappointed... I thought “hey... we’ve finally found their threshhold.”

ugh, and that is why I don’t read the comments on most newspapers

Somebody is actually posting about clients and employees of Planned Parenthood being murderers two days after this tragedy? Jesus Christ

Yes! That is why I would never want to live there.

Blergh, I don’t think I could handle that. I was reading comments on an ABC article, and nope... can’t handle it.

There are casualties now. Unfortunately he is a murderer.

I swear I thought Mark’s partner’s name was Mark... I don’t know why I thought that.