
Ain't you bringing the party, dude.

I'm a rapper on SoundCloud.

But I'm a vampire!


I met Abdi! He went to my high school and came back my freshman year. I gave him a hug. He was super nice, and I told him how I used to growl at kids in middle school. He laughed at that.

let-o snap

Maybe, but c'mon. You and I both know how this ends: box office bust, shameful DVD release, fade into pop culture oddity to be sporked until the end of time. And no live-action Misfits.

No Misfits? Instant F.

Have you seen Mary J Blige? It's doable.

Way Too Wonderland isn't a spinoff. It's a movie in the Ever After High universe. There are currently five of those.

As a longtime Monster High fan, I see we have a lot to live up to.
And if these comments are any estimation, we have a lot of derisive nerd dudes to get past.
Consider this a preemptive apology for the movie on behalf of the fandom. The rest of the canon isn't that bad.

I like MC Ride

Pime Taradox?

This so needs to be featured on BoJack though. Like actually.

I'm going on SoundCloud.

Money, dear boy!

switch those grades around and you might be right, buddy

you guys really want them darn goths off your lawn, huh
are they scaring your dog and putting their pleather platforms all over your prize petunias

Same people who ate purple ketchup. The 90s/00s really are coming back.

The A.V. Club