
Why does a newborn baby need a Twitter account? I'm 32 and I don't even have a Twitter account.

RIGHT? Man I have had a thing for him forevvvver. I don’t even know what it is, I mean he’s kinda too skinny, and sometimes he’s intense to the point of being ultra weird/creepy. But oh my god just bizarrely sexy.

All I remember about Charo is that she was on AT LEAST every 3rd episode of The Love Boat.

That was the part that I found troubling. Why wouldn’t he be hugging her?

That shot of him looking elsewhere while totally not returning the giant kiss she’s planting? That the one? I had the same thought.

Martin’s body language with Wallis is “I am not into you.” While Wallis’ is more “let’s troll the paps.”

Sure, special preference should only be based on who your daddy knows or went to school with.The idea that success is based on merit is such a fucking myth.


It just felt like the only reason they invited Effie to the panel was to check off the diversity boxes. Why have her there as the minority voice of you're not even going to listen to what she has to say?