Oh shut the fuck up lard ass. Skinny people get just as much shit. GTFO with your fat pity-me attitude.
the baby died too dipshit.
Yeah im with it too
dont kill yourself over some man-child please. what would a man-child know what it means to be a woman anyway. srsly, dont kill yourself over some idiot.
i cant take a joke if it isnt funny.
Nice trope. no one is outraged. there is no great feminist rage machine. apparently feminist cant discus something without it being labeled "rage" I think most of us reserve rage the important things.
mmm zomg but they are so good.
or you know guys should choose for themselves what they find attractive.
it would be fair, if it was gender targeted.
dump that bastard.
Dear men,
the act covers men. Are you trolling or really that dumb?
does kate have implants? she has unnaturally high and perfect cleavage.... im jealous...
Blame societal conditioning. It some cultures boobs are not even considered sexual.
Erica you naughty bitch.
it it weird i kind liked the song..... idk.... i havent slept in a while so,,,