AWWW little boy is scared his big boy toy is going to be taken away. Whatwill you buy next to make up for your small member mr.betamale? Im predicting a big gas guzzling car that makes lot of noise amirite? vrooom vroom. :)
AWWW little boy is scared his big boy toy is going to be taken away. Whatwill you buy next to make up for your small member mr.betamale? Im predicting a big gas guzzling car that makes lot of noise amirite? vrooom vroom. :)
glazed donuts.
Im with you. This box is pretty suffocating.
Tosh sucks
Cool your balls Bro.
Divorce him. Lets get gay together.
No thanks.
Damn I was looking forward to the show.
How about we stop excusing mens shitty behavior. Lack of women doesn't mean you get to treat the ones that are there like shit.
'Healthcare Industry’s Problems Are Not Caused by Fat People"
No. We hate each other.
Judging by these comments, feminism doesnt stand for shit anymore.
"coming from a man" doesn't give you special merit. Sorry bout that.
Nice internalized misogyny ladies.
Que third wave "feminist" defending womens rights to modify their faces for the sake of men ideals.
Gee I wonder why pressuring women into looking a specific way and not judging them on qualifications is a bad thing. Seriously? You're dumb.
Covering issues not solely American is not racist you ignorant fuck.
they can get the fuck over it. Their spreading their nasty stds to the public otherwise.
women in porn look extremely uncomfortable already