
Are you serious?

Why would one of the lead protagonists and most popular character not be in the second season?

It seems to me that most spam calls spoof the Caller ID. For example I notice that many of the ones I get come from the same area code and prefix as my cell number or my Google Voice number. So spam calls could appear to be coming from any random number, and therefore there’s no way to block them. Am I right here?

A lot of communities have HOA’s to cover things like maintenance of common areas, like parks, pools and community centers, and while they can be a pain in the ass, and are the antagonist in a lot of our car related stories, they keep your immediate neighborhood from falling into disrepair or allowing your one neighbor

Like a clean and well kept neighborhood?

Right. I’ll just go tell my 74 year old widowed mom to hell with arthritis, get out there to mow the lawn and shovel snow.

Higher average market values as compared to non-HOA properties?

High home values, neighbors’ homes that don’t have 6-foot-tall weeds throughout, and side-yards that are free of rusted wrecks? Is that what they deserve?

That is a pretty stupid comment. So have my stupid reply.

That’s a ridiculous generalization.

I knew Jerry was dumb but my god. Don’t be such a dumbass...JERRY.

YMMV. I work on cars and home projects all the time and have never heard from my HOA. The next neighborhood over doesn’t have one and their values are down roughly 10-15% of our neighborhoods. They can be a pain, but they have some benefits if you’re into that kind of neighborhood.

You’re the idiot jackass, since your resorted to name calling so will I. Continue to jerk off to your Hillary Clinton poster.

Well idiot, that was just one example. Point is there are many immigrants who work hard and follow the rules to become part of our nation and than there are those who want to take the easy way.

If you are caught as an illegal immigrant in the U.S., you are, at worst, deported. In Mexico (cradle of all that is good and decent), you are thrown in a Mexican prison for at least 2 years.

How about the fucking fact that they don’t pay taxes?

Perfect. So not only do undocumented people have to fear cooperating with the police, now they have to fear getting medical care. Almost like someone planned all this...

As impressive as this seems at first glance, its also ludicrous. Why work so hard and waste so much time? Just to say you can? I mean that’s fine. It doesn’t make it any less a waste, especially considering Excel has’t added anything to the process that could be achieved much quicker with many other programs.

There’s no reason to review a game if a site is going to give it different scores. The initial review is the view of the game for the entire site... the staff. If kotaku says “this is a good game” then that’s the official review. You can’t have groups without the site give it different reviews.
That’s like IGN going:

I think Kotaku hailed this game on mobile as something special. It comes to a AAA console and it is a “dreamcast port”. This is why you should actually review the game instead of talking shit. Kotaku is really lesser than the sum of its parts. This gamer culture being created here is uneven at best and really fucking