Pft isn’t that pretentious. Who needs wine glasses that expensive.
Pft isn’t that pretentious. Who needs wine glasses that expensive.
Pft isn’t that pretentious. Who needs wine glasses that expensive.
Pft isn’t that pretentious. Who needs wine glasses that expensive.
Don’t defend the fucking cunt. She should be fired unless she was having a legitimate medical emergency like a stroke.
Note how therar was sport tuned for perfectly balanced rear
Whos the racist? You, who only posts on blacks or the newspaper publishimg kkk stuff?
Was any meaningful thought put into this article?
I should rely on an obsolete format? Lolz
Good. About time my money stops getting wasted on deadbeats.
Hmm guess they own your cats DNA after this and will make clones.
Airlines are having enough issues with what they got. I don’t see this happening any time soon/my life time.
Shame the Anker cam uses a battery rather than a super-capacitor.
Shame the Anker cam uses a battery rather than a super-capacitor.
Just because it has the word chef in it doesn’t mean they are chef knives.
Just because it has the word chef in it doesn’t mean they are chef knives.
AudioTechnica makes amazing headphones. Prefer them over Sennheiser (I have both so I can speak objectively).
AudioTechnica makes amazing headphones. Prefer them over Sennheiser (I have both so I can speak objectively).
I could buy 2 hoodies for that price and have them each outlast this. Where is the bargain in a $42 hoodie?
I could buy 2 hoodies for that price and have them each outlast this. Where is the bargain in a $42 hoodie?
These are a complete ripoff. The components are from something else and he just put them into custom shells. Avoid.
Because they are getting a cut for advertising Chase.
Because they are getting a cut for advertising Chase.
What I feel is pain. No matter how hard I try I ended up getting cut somehow, somewhere, at some point.
Having kids makes sense but you said “Love it” and “Sound is good enough” in one sentence and doesn’t exactly instill confidence haha.
Having kids makes sense but you said “Love it” and “Sound is good enough” in one sentence and doesn’t exactly…
$270 for a sound bar seems steep. Have they actually gotten better over the years? I’ve always stuck to at least 5.1 no matter how inconvenient
$270 for a sound bar seems steep. Have they actually gotten better over the years? I’ve always stuck to at least 5.1…
I bought them (and regret it due to the shitty shitty app) soley to see how much power my new PC build consumes. Otherwise they are complete junk and should be avoided.
I bought them (and regret it due to the shitty shitty app) soley to see how much power my new PC build consumes.…
It’s compatible, I’ve added to mine. Too bad the app is utterly useless.
It’s compatible, I’ve added to mine. Too bad the app is utterly useless.