
Miss Precious Perfect agrees!

@Jharrison9292 you ain't no man if you ever laid a hand

I'm sure they have things prioritized. They'll set up a greenhouse eventually and set the environment in it to "tropical" so they can grow coffee.

Yep. And I feel that's because it wasn't very good. Jim Caviezel was terrible until about halfway through the second season, even though the show had improved. I admit I gave up on it after four episodes in season one.

And once he has sex on Mars, he can join the 128 million mile high club, although the actual "high"-ness of it would be relative to the viewpoint of those on Earth.


I suppose there is some historical cache there. "One of the first to ever die during interplanetary exploration." But actually dying and being laid to rest or memorialized or whatever ON another planet? That's a big first for the human race. That's up there with First Man on the Moon.

Composting would have to take place inside the man-made structures, correct? What would the decomposition process be if one's body was just left lying on the surface? Or buried beneath the Martian soil? Smarter minds than mine probably have quick answers for these questions.

I didn't read his whole comment, as I noticed immediately that he completely misunderstood mine.

You misunderstand me. It's not that he's going to die on Mars. It's that he GETS TO die on Mars. It's an added privilege. Anyone can die on Earth. In addition to all the science and discovery, he can say he will die on another planet. That is an added bonus.

yeah, that guy

That one was solved.

You get a +1 just for posting John Fucking Locke.

Plus, you can be one of the first people to ever die on another planet. "First Man Buried on Mars." That's historical and shit.

Getting rid of the monster? Possible, even probable. Getting rid of its freaky-fast spider-like offspring? I don't know how.

Stolen from Jennifer Lawrence's iPhone.

Mr. Goodell's ineptitude has not merely rendered this football season meaningless and irrelevant by contrast, it has not only reduced supporting or watching football to a distasteful, even a disrespectful act, but most importantly it has comforted the violent and afflicted the victim.

Congrats to the Harris-Burtkas or Burtka-Harrises. So is NPH now NPH-B?

Yes please. More smaller scale but still important stories, especially with superhero films. I will allow Joss Whedon to once again threaten existence with Age of Ultron but after that, I want to see a movie with less disaster porn and world-threateningness.