
Prof needs to respect right of student ... blah blah blah ... paying student can do whatever they want ... blah blah. The student was also the one being very disrespectful (I don't agree with what the prof did either). Don't show up to surf the web. It's just plain rude, and the student deserved some form of

I've never managed to not lose any pair of nail clippers. Of course, I've also managed to never actually buy them (I leave that to my parents or wife). Maybe I wouldn't lose them if they cost $70 and I bought them myself (and then hid them so nobody else could use them).

Legitimate and justified are 2 separate things. I agree there may be legitimate reasons. But, no matter how it's justified/rationalized, it's still against the law.

Um, no such thing as °K. It's just plain old K.

Dell got the screws from their supplier like that. What are they gonna do, open every envelope and combine into one before shipping??

totally in my personal bubble, there, jupiter

Question: Would the graphics card transfer sound throught the HDMI too? I'm pretty sure "no" is the mostly likely answer, but I want to make sure.

At one point, he actually looks down at his bag, like he though he saw it move. At about 2:20. Anybody else notice that?

@iBuntu: A computer does what it's told to do by obeying the human input. Your sh***y laptop finds things because you tell it to. Watson's doing it all on its own. So, it's going way beyond what computers are supposed to do.

I hardly think that being down by $1000 is being "mowed down."

@HotButteredToast: Wireless USB? I don't see a cord running to it, though I may be missing it. Could it be a good ol' coaster?

@butcherchop: If people actually listened to the "stupid" God you refer to, HIV would not be so wide spread and maybe not even exist.

What's really funny is how many commenters think it was a male. I couldn't scream like since 4th grade (I think).

@WestwoodDenizen: I agree with TVs_Frank. In heinz sight, you can easily nobody got hurt or killed. How often do you have the luxury of using heinz sight before doing something?

@brijazz: Spending $4000 in 6mo isn't all that unreasonable.

Universal card reader. That's why it looks too big for SD cards; it'll fit CF cards, too. Photographers dream...

@ubstinalcono: Oh, well it's streaming from you Mac's HDD.

@lividchihuahua: It'll still play the 1080p files, but only output at 720p, no? So still useable.

@ubstinalcono: it's got 8GB of flash according to iFixit.