
@A Flock of Smegal's: Because they aren't allowed to fly over populous areas. Too much "colateral damage" if something goes wrong.

@Moonshadow Kati: Not while you're walking down the street unless you happen to have a MiFi product in your pocket.

strategy? should be strategery, no?

How can you set up port forwarding on the router if you're randomizing the port each time you open the torrent application? Is it better to not randomize and do port forwarding, or not do port forwarding and always randomize the port at start up?

So, wait, does Hulu work on Boxee still?

@FlyingAvocado: A Geo could slow down a semi, assuming the semi doesn't run it over first by ramming into it (the impact should be slow, then the Geo brakes). It would just take a lot longer than vehicles with simlar weight.

@JakeMG: Grammar Fascist: They said they would use the live stream if it's availbe, which would imply Gizmodo is not physically there.

@exoren22: I should probably wait a few months to respond, but I'll forget. So ... thanks!

@Akio Morita: I think they charged $10 for 2.0, $5 for 3.0 (if you didn't pay for 2.0) and free for 4.0. No charges since then or for any 2.x, 3.x, or 4.x.

@Akio Morita: They can't do that, there's an Apple tax that they must abide by — it is their tax, ya know.

@schall129: I searched a few shows and no recent episodes showed up like they would on Hulu.com. How's is supposed to find Hulu content?

@theotherwhiteboy: Yeah, that's one of the features of the Plus subscription — to have it somewhere else beside on a computer. The apple apps are the same way. Bogus.

@albokay: There's a lot more networks than NBC that run on Hulu. If Netflix can get ABC, CBS, USA, FOX, etc to run the day after, then no, Hulu would not be worth it.

Boxee does Hulu? I thought they lost that battle... Hmmm, is it worth an extra $100??

Um, manned space flight is not dead. Both the Senate and House proposed bills include plans for manned space flight.

@Buckus: If you even could get someone in the back. Are they even equiped for that? (Police wise)

The MacScan deal was for yesterday only.

@FriarNurgle: I agree. If the ranges is only 20ft (which is really crappy), then it's much easier to just connect the computer to the TV with cables. My desktop is upstairs and I had hoped this would work, but I guess not.