
@exoren22: It's been a while since the post, bu ever find an answer to your question?

@Che9: Threatening him with what? Was his phone really a gun? Even if he threatened to kill him later, the police can't do anything unless he acts on that threat, let alone assault him on the spot. Either way, it was over the line.

So, no elevator?

@ChickenPotPython: I think, "What happens when you fart in church? You have to sit in the pew!"

@snownpaint1: are you implying that Joel is going to get cancer in his left breast?

@Eugenia: Maybe the iTV will be expandable... ha!

@ri59: True, the wires or antenna don't determine if it's HD or SD, but the tuner does. However, the source still needs to send the correct signal. If you have the right tuner, but the source doesn't send HD signals, then the picture on the TV won't be in HD

@Lord_Data ∞: Stay strong! It's obvious you're not OCD since you're avoiding friending tucker augie'ben'doggy and you didn't write CDO (the compulsive need to have it in alphabetical order).

@mike_311: you'll probably get some cable channels, too. We get TBS.

@Qwertinsky: What would need to be done to this design to make a VHF compatible? My area broadcasts both.

@Vincenzo Iuppa: but are they in HD? We do the same thing and they're SD and stretched out and the channels are scrambled (abc 15 is 103-9).

@JakeMG: Ω Man: So, you have Compulsive Obsessive Disorder? Or dyxlesia?

@Saboth: Starting at $350 is tempting. That's a huge price drop. More likely to be $399.

@superhappyfuntime: It wasn't meant to be a permanent fix. It's just a cap, they need to fill the hole to make it permanent.

So, how does he get access to the compartment in the ATM that had the USB port? I've worked at a few different banks and they're typically in a locked room. Also, those ATM's required an electronic key plus a combo to a spin lock (whatever they're called). How many ATM's have easy access to USB ports by only

@Ben Zvan: What happened with Diebold?

@gotezula: Yes, you can. Well done. haha.