  • Guess this person harassed some lesbians for refusing to date this person, so this is what got this person blocked. 

Gay men don’t want to date/have sex with women. It’s really not that hard to understand.

The vast majority of men have no interest in hooking up with a trans woman. Trans women are being shown to men alongside non trans women on Tinder. Men report them because they are not in the correct category (which does not exist) . They get banned from being reported multiple times.

They probably deleted her for saying she did cam work..

My little cousin was in the military and, according to her, the gender problems are pretty pervasive. As in, they will do just about anything to demean their female colleagues. Feminism is out of the question—you have to be a “Cool Girl” to survive, and even then you’ll get thrown under the bus for laughs. It seems to

It’s the same reason people like upskirt photos. The lack of consent and the victimization of the women is the whole point.

Show of hands here of who is surprised that Comcast, a company that treats paying customers like crap, also treats its employees like crap.

Sadly, you could write this identical story for a few thousand big companies in the US.

Actually before you do any of that, you need to document EVERYTHING when dealing with any sort of harassment. A paper notebook you bring to work. Don’t use the company’s computer.

Yes, you have to learn quickly to behave a certain way around men, because once they decide it’s ok to be inappropriate around you they just get worse and worse very quickly, and you can’t always predict who is the type who is going to start making crude jokes or breathing heavily on you.

Always, always, always remember that HR is there to protect the company, not you. If someone sexually assaults you at work, call the police, call a lawyer, THEN call HR. Don’t rely on HR to do anything to protect you.

I hate this approach.

The really awful part is that this kind of thing goes on everywhere and if you stand up for yourself, you’re viewed as a troublemaker by both men and women.

cisgender white women finally getting all the things we all fought

Biological sex is a fact.

I started using Tumblr basically as a way to get interesting art, photography , and fandom geekery delivered to my proverbial door, and I’ve notice a LOT of discussion of Transgender issues being mixed in. A really distressing percentage of those seem to be screeds against TERFS and often by extension, feminists.

I think there is less support for reproductive rights and furthermore I think its dangerous that there are people trying to control how women talk about their own bodies. Most women are female and have a vagina. I should be able to talk about my female body without getting shouted down by some trans activists. and yes

When I bought my car three years ago I could have paid cash, but instead financed it at 1.99%. Looking at my brokerage statements, that same money earned about 20% last year in the market.

I’ve never understood the complaint “B-B-BUT A CAR IS A DEPRECIATING ASSET!!”

That is exactly it. Society ran one way for hundreds of years, and then about fifty-odd years ago, it changed direction substantially, and then about ten years agi, it took a very sharp turn where younger women have a zero-tolerance policy for things that Boomer women had very much as their reality as young women. The