This has been going on for years
This has been going on for years
I had to scroll this far down for the correct post.
Lol - would love to have John McGinley in anything, but I was referring to Ted McGinley - aka the “patron saint of jumping-the-shark”
The series finale of this show will just feature Meredith Grey searching for her lost car keys for 90 minutes.
Call in Ted McGinley, he’ll take care of it.
It’s gotta be over pretty soon, the wife and I were both rooting for Meredith to just die already, it's hate-watching at this point
Maybe they’ll bring in Betty White?
I was in grade school when Star Wars first came out. My best friend made an R2D2 toy out of a spool from thread, half a ping-pong ball, and a blue marker. Best Star Wars toy ever.
I was in grade school when Star Wars first came out. My best friend made an R2D2 toy out of a spool from thread,…
Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.
Egypt has impounded the boat so they get the five RTX 3090s onboard to sell on eBay. Street value exceeds the $1 billion they want.
Sometimes a little verbal embellishment is fun
Do you know of a weird or unique but must-have tool that every wrencher should have?
Wow, they’re pretty quick to finger the neighbor for it, but I guess the evidence does point to him.
In 2009, Charles Lindbergh would have been 89 years old. Carl would have to be quite a bit younger to have idolized Muntz when he was a kid, but there’s still room there for both of them to be crotchety old men at the same time.
While I generally find the “all gentrification is evil” narrative pretty limited, to me this is just called: Do Your Research. Figure out what happens in a neighborhood, decide whether or not you’d be happy to live there, and then sign your lease accordingly. Don’t show up and mess with the lives of the people who…
Yea, we’ve all been searching for a game that could replace GT2, but it will never happen.
The music in that game though. I can’t help getting ready to drive fast when Garbage’s “I think I’m Paranoid” comes on. Although it still holds second place behind Gotham’s soundtracks. Mondo ‘77 and Galaxy Bounce were incredible fun to try and collect Kudos on.
That game was my teenage life. My college years were all Project Gotham.
The difference between Joss Whedon and Louis CK is that Whedon actually made things that I enjoyed, while Louis CK I never thought was funny. I always thought he was an asshole. 20 years ago I had no idea Whedon was the dick he’s now coming out to be and I was enjoying the TV shows and movies he made.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this was the accused’s first fatal mistake…