
Nice, $kay... I’m a bit more fond of the older version ;)

Congratulations, Mr. factoryhack, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Fiat which this lovely lady will deliver after she gets her sweater.

Not sure if it was intentional, but read that as Douglas Adams so long and thanks for all the fish. Made me a bit less sad he is gone. He did a lot for enthusiast over his tenure 

Good and clearly heartfelt article, David! Here is your star:

Remember back when we could star an article? Those were good times. Nice article, David.

The Demon got a soul today. :(

Just don’t watch it. More importantly, don’t hate watch it.

You win! Well, except maybe use this as a base.

she has nice gap insurance, just look at that black cloth down the middle of her dress.

I’ll try again tomorrow

That does seem rather unacceptable. It is a personal affront to which no man should have to restrain himself. On the level of personal injury if you ask me. Defamation of character even. How can someone be expected to deal with this level of public degradation??

Maybe yes, but not the hack who edited that photo.

Don’t know about relaxed. I’m ready for a daytime rave after watching that.

This is actually what it looks like

Came here to say “Kim Possible” is hot (is her voluminous hair real?), stayed to gawk at Pikachu Samurai and Sister of Battle. Nice pale eye, plus I’ve been reading some Horus stuff, as well as playing Space Marine. The W40K universe has drawn me in, though I doubt I’m going to painting models and carrying tape

Holy Christ, that Kim Possible.

*gets out of shower, turns computer back on, looks at Frozen porn for 12 hours straight*

::::::::Slowly backs away from the internet, turns off computer, closes door, takes shower::::::