
“It’s got a cam in it.”


I’d make my usual sarcastic/suggestive comment but then I’d either be made to heel or made a heel.

It’s like that sticker on a new tire.

Nice. I missed that.

Um, Weinstein?

Pooping Tom... lolololololol

Now playing

Not sure the rotary is the engine of choice for any divine dimension.

Exactly the Her-A-Cans I was hoping for in your picture today.


The real star in the Eagle Talon ad is that jacket and shirt.

In the dictionary under stance...

You forgot the ‘On A Personal Note’ disclaimer...

At least the Fusion might get an honorable death and they won’t re-badge it as The Four Hundred.

I will never, ever tire of that video!

959 in Arena Red?

You’re doing great, Stef, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Robb Holland sounds like a truly great guy. The kind of guy who knows that somebody out there will always be faster than you will, even in your own car (which can be quite humbling). It’s just a fact of life. All us Normals can do is make ourselves

Yikes. They really did hold to some of that interior.

That’s a slippery slope...