That looks like a BLAST.
Came here hoping for some Ford C-Max appreciation.
Yes, they certainly are.
Yeah, with all that free time he has...
Congrats, Veronica!
A Finn with 760hp in 1984?
And Dr Terry Trammell and Dr Sid Watkins often don’t get enough credit for the work they did during that same time period.
I knew I was missing something, just couldn’t put my finger on it...
Another great article, Kristen! Just one question...
I hope this doesn’t turn out to be a case of The Lord helps those who help themselves, because apparently the Millenders helped themselves to quite a bit.
I’ve always wondered how much sarcasm it would take to result in a battery charge...
I was hoping for a more electric, alternative take...
“Authenticity is an overrated word—my standard is whether or not it tastes good.”
Holy crap these are awesome.
I don’t see how it has received that much attention.
#Waiting forFor$kaysPictureToLoad