A stunning side shot there, $kay.
Congrats to JayFra.
“Sacrificing a person for two drinks? Maybe, if they were Mexican Cokes.”
Better to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow.
Thank you for knowing the difference between Team Beams and Team Beems, Andrew.
I will never understand that immediate belief that someone you’ve probably never met and who gets no benefit from your child’s guilt is suddenly making up lies about your child’s behavior.
My mother was a teacher and later counselor in the same school district for 41yrs. One of her favorite pastimes towards the end was getting the offending student and their parents (and the on-duty police officer) in her office together and listening to them rage about their innocence and how they were going to sue the…
“I’m still not sure how well an 8.4-inch touchscreen is supposed to hold up under hard use.”
That is what it sounds like.
Bear with me here (formerly 7yrs doing commercial security/fire/CCTV)...
And we all should be.
If a vehicle can make it all the way to a dealer with something as (seemingly) obvious as mismatched fenders, is it any wonder that it makes me wonder if it’s 100% put together correctly underneath.
So... People.
My very first thought was how in the hell would you increase travel on that suspension?..
Welcome to the 80s party, Pal!
It’s definitely Allard-ish.
It’s forgivable in this case.