The road law is the road law and he was on a public street without an official road closure.
I’d say the four-door models of all the ‘global’ small trucks mostly have ~5ft-5.5ft beds which would still support a piece of plywood decently with the extra length afforded by a dropped tailgate. Extended cab models add another foot to the bed length on average. Honestly I’m probably more offended by a U.S. Domestic…
Breathe, Jason. Breathe.
“...he is such a little bitch.”
I wonder if they were able to reach George Finley for that Apollo GT article...
I saw that cabin lifted and immediately wished it could be a passenger ejection module...
No Puff? Where’s Puff?
This man is possibly the King of all that is Jalop.
Came here with my ticket to the gun show.
Screw that. Bring back this...
Came here to post the Westworld version. Thank you for beating me to it!
Not if Kristen declines to grace it with her patronage...
So... Mclarens are hella fast without a Honda anchor in the back?
“I’m struggling to think of a relevant metaphor for this but I can’t.”
For some regional context, the county seat just down the road is Greenville, TX...
Jumping looks fun until you have to do it with your own $$$, lol.