

Honda Civic.

Yep, 10mm socket.

I’m Your Huckleberry...

Great picture, but the car makes it.


Hells yes!

When I was a kid I idolized racers, but I wanted to be George Trosley...

Dude, where’s my car chase?

Sweet. I’m internet-published... on Jalopnik?

Can’t tell you how many times over the last decade and a half I’ve had someone pull out The Hire DVD from my shelves and say, “What’s this?”, only to be blown away. The original eight still stand on their own as short films, as automotive entertainment, and some of the highest-quality marketing material ever made. The

Lol, GTI.

For a ‘$60k project’ I’d rather it had more period correct drivetrain parts... (in my dreams)

Me, too.

1997 GTI VR6, black.

Texas State Hwy 188 from just outside Rockport to Sinton is about 23-24mi of mostly straight and smooth two-lane highway with open farm fields on both sides, with one four-way stop along the way.

No... And this is coming from an FJC owner.

That’s no bull.

lol, damn him.

I thought Farah was letting his RS go?..