
Fred Williams for President.

Now I don’t feel so bad for that time I left the drain plug out and poured 6 quarts of fresh oil straight into the drain pan.

Crash porn’ is too right.

I know.

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen an aircraft do was an S-76 air ambulance with a critical patient that took off to his 6 o’clock at about a 60deg climb angle. The nose left the ground first and then the entire aircraft rose traveling backwards with the tail low and leading the way. I could see the pilot

6 people succumb to 6 legged horror on the No. 6 train?

What’s most ironic about this is that despite the fact that the BBC was right to fire Clarkson and they are right to protect their properties, if they do go after TGT/Wilman/Clarkson/Hammond/May they will most certainly be vilified and harshly judged in the court of public opinion. And we all know how sensitive the

In the dictionary under “Hubba Hubba”.

“...These signs actually popped up as a sort of proactive and really hideously annoying fad in the ‘80s...”

With Samuel mother-effing Washington?

Lol, this movie is EXACTLY what I was thinking of.

Random crazy person, physical violence, lots of bugs, some vomit, all trapped in a subway car together?

Excellent article, David!

So he’s still trying to earn that merit badge?..

There’s a pigeonholed pun in there somewhere, just don’t know that I’m brave enough to go there...

Yes to the track application, which is why the 901 (1st-gen Porsche 911) had the same dogleg shift pattern. It shared its 5-speed transmission with the 904/906 race cars.

The first rule of Olympic Fight Club...

Your logic is sound in the context of Jalopnik Clause 901/1 which states, in essence, that ‘any vehicle which is more inconvenient to operate is somehow more rewarding to drive’.

It’s close but ‘weird’ was more specifically addressed in Jalopnik Clause WTF001, Subsection Japan.

My first car was a 1981 Subaru GL Wagon.