I love Daniel Simon’s work.
I love Daniel Simon’s work.
I could dip into that.
This one time at the Lizard Lounge a valet gave my friend the keys to a new Audi S4 instead of the long-suffering beater he’d had since high school. We actually stood there and looked at each other for a second before we called him back... “Dude, this is not a Ford Probe...”
In Spanish Tiburón is “shark”
I knew a girl who a silver Tiburon like that.
I once had two drinks on the hop from San Jose to LAX, changed planes and had two more from LAX to Phoenix, changed flight crews and had two more between Phoenix and San Antonio... And I still walked off the plane with the blessings of the flight crew.
If they’re lucky that Jetta wasn’t gas-powered, because diesel buff right out.
Actually zero/zero ejection seats do exist.
A nice start to a Friday!
Gregory, Texas. That weird zone between Corpus Christi, Rockport, Sinton, and Ingleside is THE best place to get random traffic violations from bored officers between the hours of now and then.
“...it’s cool to see that the company is trying to pair it with the 4x4's enthusiast-spec and not just stick it in some random trims.”
Sorry. :) Joke or sarcasm, sometimes it’s hard to get the proper context from plain text.
Love those pictures. From a great distance it truly made it difficult to tell if a ship was veering towards or away from the viewer.
Holy carp that second one has a fish tank for a cab!
True but I was highly amused by the irony that the cab itself is likely very little modified from one currently in production and also that the cab doesn’t cover the chassis and drivetrain for the most part, like a regular automotive development mule would. I’m sure all that wasn’t lost on the M-B engineers either.
Kudos to them. With the talk of major European cities banning/limiting vehicles due to age/emissions (or internal combustion altogether) Mercedes-Benz’ truck division could be setting themselves up for a fine future here.
At the very least in some regular leather trimmings...