
Thank you for spelling hyped correctly. I hate the way people talk nowadays.

Stop posting about Overwatch for at least a few days.

You have to stop talking about Overwatch. At least take a one day break.

Next up: A shitpost about Overwatch.

Not exactly what you’re looking for but... Bioshock would make a great series on HBO.

“it’s situational”

Gawker is obsessed with PewDiePie.

You have to select the Japanese language first, it’s the 3 character one at the very bottom of the list.

Any way to play the U.S. digital version I bought now? Like making a Japanese account and booting it up? Or something....

Non-compete clauses should be illegal.

Holy shit! An article on Gawker about actual feminism.

While going Rogue isn’t perfect I think people are missing the point. The whole idea of it is to steal people’s gear at the extraction. So wait until there’s 10 seconds left, start murdering them and quickly extract your shit, then their shit. then run far away from that extraction as quickly as possible.

The original poster thought they were annoying because they keep filling in each other’s sentences. Something that I and most of the commenters in that reddit thread didn’t find very annoying.

Rare can decide what game they want to make. The only time Microsoft has ever been in their ear was when they asked them to make some Kinect titles. Something that, while they were initially excited to do, turned into an exercise in attrition.

I’m not sure what to make of this.

I own both systems and I love them immensely. You own one and are clearly of the Sony Fanboy Club. Xbox One continues to improve its OS and feature set. Playstation 4, just like 3, barely ever adds anything. PSN and the Store are still a rocky mess.

It makes me sad too.

I can’t get GTA V single player DLC because keep paying for virtual cash.

Just found this sweet game horror game on Kickstarter named Visage and it’s well off it’s funding goal. Then I come to one of the bigger gaming websites and they are showing off dick mods for Fallout.

Obsidian, like Treyarch, are a big team of professional *modders* with access to the source code. People don’t appreciate the extremely hard work the other developers do before these people get their hands on it.