so it's brighter on PC.
so it's brighter on PC.
the airport scene in MW2 was stupid? they needed to put a man next to Makarov and he needed to prove he was legit. simply killing him wouldn't dissolve his network or his plans. "stupid" would be if the game forced you to kill civilians (you don't have to shoot any) and maybe having some sort of Trust multiplier you…
there has been no lag since Day Zero. the biggest issue I've had is my emblem was unusable for a few rounds. the meaning of the word "majority" escapes you, young Padawan.
the first good episode of the season.
I don't think the game is easy but Taliin definitely becomes insanely powerful if you're one of the people doing side quests all the time. seems like it rewards you for putting the time in... at the expense of the Final Showdowns.
"everything is fine, we've had great success, no other employees are leaving, day to day operation has not been altered, nothing is changing – but we need a new CEO."
you have to stop posting about #Gamersgate. do you think they can be reasoned with? they are internet trolls and all trolls want is attention. we've heard every single perspective surrounding Gamersgate so there's nothing more to report.
I love Call of Duty 1, 2, 4:MW, 4:MW2. the newer ones are hits but those older ones were home runs.
they should release the first Pokémon game on iOS and Android for like $5.99 — the sales would be huge. paving the way to release all of them over again on mobile while keeping their Nintendo hardware extremely far ahead.
why is he done making games? put it on another service. he said "steam is the most incompetent piece of fucking shit" so take your game elsewhere, you clearly don't like the service. don't just throw in the towel. nobody really knows who he is—this unfortunate situation definitely has more people looking at him, his…
a good amount of those people who slam message boards/comments sections about HL3 don't seem to realize that Half-Life is a launchpad for Valve. releasing a Half-Life game is flipping the ON switch for the next decade+ of Valve products/services. it's a ton of pressure following up such a beloved franchise with a game…
they definitely updated engram drops. I'm level 25 and I was gathering spin metal last night (pre-update) and I'd get a green engram every 10-15 kills. blues were less common but they would still drop. today (post-update) I went back to get more spin metal and after an hour of killing I have seen one engram drop. once…
that's what I have too. it's a very reliable router.
I tried wireless streaming on my less-than-lovely router several times, and was plagued by lag, screen tearing and disconnects. I really, really need a good router — suggestions are welcome.
Article: "I tried wireless streaming on my less-than-lovely router several times, and was plagued by lag, screen tearing and disconnects. I really, really need a good router — suggestions are welcome."
that would definitely do the job too. I didn't even know tri-band existed lol.
get an AirPort Extreme.
I fucking hate Hulu, NBC and region locked bullshit.
this seems like one of those situations where the backup was never truly coached. he probably got the impression he would never play and was thrust into a game with no knowledge of the offense. I mean, how do you make that team if you're absolutely horse shit at throwing footballs? college ball does this all the time.…
if you step back and watch just the trailers and TV spots. it's just a good looking game promising some shooting fun. it delivers on that. us getting upset that it's not an MMO is more about us projecting what we wanted onto a game that never promised those things.