
I assume never since Nerf Now is still around.

Link is left-handed!

Except for everyone playing it and watching I guess


the things you can do with make-up

This is the sort of game you play for 3 hours and then when you stop playing it. Everything looks tinted because your eyes got used to the colors or lack of in the game.

It's like some people haven't been around for the last decade. :)

It's like some people haven't been around for the last decade. :)

That was cool until the very end where it got really stupid.

Gameshark was for singleplayer gamers, so not a good comparison. If you want to cheat to high heaven in Fallout 4, go ahead, heck there’s a console engine for that. When you’re playing with other people it’s different, though.

K/D ration is the worst thing about gaming.

It was the super-secret cross-over surprise no one was expecting... until Party City spoiled it.

It’s gonna be buy to play, then switch to a free-to-play model. Explain to me how that’s better than just going F2P in the first place.

Thank god it’s not free to play. Buy to play is muuuuch better.

Dear Kotaku Commenters. Looking at pictures is not the same as reading the article.

So Kotaku essentially inflated one clip from Highlight Reel into an entire “article”. Great fuck

Agreed. I mean, it is a tradeoff as to who does who, but it really bares down to who did it first. Obviously the Kaizo Mario did, but eh whatever. Look if you like the game, then hell, more power to you. Its what you enjoy and I have 0 problems with it. However for me, I can’t say the same. Seems like a waste of

And pixelated furries are better?

Now playing

I was number 3 to clear it, and with some Alt strats in the last two rooms, which make it a lot easier.