
That's the last time they use IOS maps.


We were wrong, put it back in the glass.

Bit.Trip Runner 2. I have it on Wii U.

More like a mace, being that they actually lack any sharp bits. The "key blades" lack any actual blades. And yes, the double-sided guard is an exceptionally lousy design, magic or not. The bladed variations look even more absurd for their own reasons.

God, if there is one thing I learned from Saltybet, it's "never bet DBZ."

hidden the best way I know how

It's not that they're similar properties but rather that you have different alternatives, open to the interpretation of the reader. This particular sentence could be rephrased as: "It's probably the most creative use of the Xbox One's snapping feature that I've ever seen, and it might be the most responsible as

Is it bad that I read that last bit like Jeremy Clarkson? .....In the world!

Simpler solution? All games star Cyclops. ALL of them.

lal... err lol!

Fucking LOVE Red Dwarf.

Well played. Also, so much love coming from your username and avatar for Cowboy Bebop. I respect this.

Why is there a picture of a Babylon 5 ship? And that's not Gandalf, that's the captain from the original Battlestar Galactica.

Sorry, but I have to post this on someone...

We've had wheels for thousands and thousands of years now, someone should've invented a better shape to roll around on. It's 2014! I mean, wheels? Come on!

Oh, and cut their power consumption and heat by 70%. Also, I will only ever use Lian Li cases. Aluminum yo.