the font is about aesthetics more than anything. My board of choice is the Filco Ninja, so the font is on the front, won't fade and pretty neutral on style.
the font is about aesthetics more than anything. My board of choice is the Filco Ninja, so the font is on the front, won't fade and pretty neutral on style.
I wish they didn't have that terrible font printed on the keycaps, but I've used a couple to try them out...and for the price, it's one hell of a deal for a good quality mechanical.
Yeah...also make that keyboard cost almost 4 times more and it really begs the question "does Roccat need to have a reality check?" I've looked at their products over the years, and they look kind of similar to the Mad Catz "EDGY-GAMERS ONLY, BRO! LIGHTS AND SHARP ANGLES AND LOGOS THAT WERE DESIGNED TO LOOK X-TREME!…
A Good Match For: JRPG fans, Ghibli fans, cartoon fans, fans of fun and charm and things that are good.
The screen would be smashed long before you'd have to worry about locking it...
But who doesn't like creepy inverted cyber-nipples that look like navels made of chrome? I mean, REALLY?
Really? I thought this was something people hated the second they first tried playing smash and went right to the Y...It's like playing Nidhogg, where if you don't use the jump separately, you're going to get owned. It "works", but you're going to get destroyed.
Yes, but maybe a few release marketing consultants have found that the most profitable date is the early part of 4th quarter and are therefore in direct compact market competition. No one backed down from the projected gold rush. Sega made a famous run of this in the 90s to route Nintendo in a successful barrage of…
Civilization: Beyond Earth will come out on October 24, publisher 2K Games announced today. And if your immediate reaction to that news is to wonder why everything is coming out in October, you're not alone.
They can somehow rhyme "sorry" with "story". They bend reason and bro in the face of logic. Makes me want to pound a Natty with a MuscleMilk chaser, take a pull of the verve pipe to chill my mad before reaming some bitches and go full on brotarded while broing some Modern Brofare Bro. Right bro?
People keep buying Nickelback records? ::Googles Record Sales, Finds incredibly accurate quote from ChartAttack:
About $5.
Here's a tutorial by AbdallahSmash026 on how to avoid the blue shell with the mushroom—but it's not the only item you can use to do it. You can also use a super horn, which is a new thing unique to Mario Kart 8. And unlike the mushroom, you're actually likely to get the super horn while you're in first place.
Thinking is for the weak, only unwarranted rage and unimaginative slander will sate the furious hunger of MoronRetardBro.
There isn't a target in your city? I think that's called a town, a village or maybe even a hamlet.