
Anyone can strike a match or push a button. Also, it takes skill to effectively use a gun. An explosive on the other hand...just walk into a heavily populated area. Killing a dozen people with a dozen shots takes skill (and a high level of insanity). It will also take some time, which gives time for response or people

It takes a lot of competence to create a gun. Creating something and using something are two entirely different things. Give an imbecile a few sticks of dynamite and some matches...pretty sure they could figure out how to do some serious destruction. More so than a gun.

You're too serious. Lol :-) ;-P 8-O (;_;) ROFLCOPTER

1880s, I believe. He's no En Sabah Nur.

bestbuy.com is a labyrinth. You have to kill the Minotaur before you can move forward...then you must face THE DAVID BOWIE!!!

Shane...why is it when I click on the hyperlink for Halo 4, labeled as an amazon sale, it sends me to the hellhole that is bestbuy.com?

Can you also get my joke? Calm down, Clancy. It's just a skit. It's just a joke.

No, no...fact.

Filco Majestouch 2 Ninja Tenkeyless.

Or that first class came out almost a decade later. There's that. If you can't remember, then really you have no say. Get back to me when you watch it again. Knowing it is 8 years behind in technology. X2 was better. First class was a nice runner up, but no...X2 was better.

You did, but you were super cereal for the first 100+ words.

I've said it once, and I'll say it again...FUCK CORSAIR. The K70 will never make up for the K60. Which fucked over so many people. Fuck them and everything they do. Their customer service is reprehensible and their keyboards fail regularly. I hope you do not experience this, as they charge high prices for only the

Great pick. It's a bit of a dick keyboard to beginners, not having printing, but it's so pretty to those who spend a lot of time on one.

It's affordable...which is a plus. But... It looks like an abomination, has backlighting (I feel cheapened by backlighting), non-mechanical, and is not ergonomic. It makes you game to the far left, very spread away from the natural set of your right hand on mouse.

Wrong. X2 was the best. This is an objective view and fact. You know it, I know it. Accept the truth of the world. First class was good (being after a couple of abortions that were X3 and Origins), but not the best.

It was a comedy sketch.

I think of it how one would fly an airplane. That's how I learned, and as soon as I got a joystick, that's how I thought. Then thumbsticks were just the next iteration of that. The yoke is pulled back to go up (pitch). Left makes you roll left, right makes you roll right. There's also yaw, which can throw this all

Exactly. Or, if you've ever flown a plane or simulator, like that. That's how I explain it. I learned "pull up" not push up.

As a lifelong inverter, I am endlessly aware of my minority status.