
This work looks VERY similar to Frank Quietly's style.

Yeah, really thinking about it, I believe Bran would have recognized him. I do think he is a relative, though. Some older member of the Stark Family. Also, I think Benjen had Blue eyes. I distinctly remember cold hands having eyes that weren't blue. No other descriptor, but NOT blue.

If you order fries at Five Guys, you could feed an Indonesian family for a month. Cardboard cup? Hell no. You get a full grocery bag of fries.

I immediately thought it was Benjen. Though "they killed him long ago" isn't an exact time. Just feel that he—being a Stark—would have other worldly resistance to the old world magic. I think Benjen is Coldhands. Interested to see who he really is, though. Martin is all about twists of fate.

For best shows of recent memory, it's in my top 10 written shows.

He has such range...

Saw something similar to this at a convention. At the Barret table, so you know it's super expensive.

Best enjoyed with internet milk!

Oh yeah, forgot the table part. Use the saw to cut the table in two. Two halves make a whole. Jump through the hole to get out of the room. It doesn't translate quite as well when not spoken.

You look in the mirror to see what you saw. Use the saw to cut an exit out of the room.

I would suggest against buying any Android phone that cannot have a replaceable-by-user battery. I understand why Apple doesn't want anyone tinkering with their finely designed/engineered products, but some option for the power source(the first thing to go out for most portable electronics) would be nice.

How do you lose an SD card? It's in the phone, and you just leave it there...usually next to the battery behind the back cover. Oh, and you can change the battery.

Yeah, but some people are telling me patch 12(which was hurried out to fix some patch 11 issues a week after) has ,are the economy no longer suck. I have yet to read a confirmation release note or played in the lat fe days, but when I get home from work, I'm going to check it out.

Why not? That's the beauty of borderlands 2 and games like it. Lets you have a more fluid approach, as respec isn't expensive and multiple characters. Don't know why a game should lock you into a build you don't like, so you have to dislike gameplay until you can afford to possibly like another. Just my opinion, but

Respecs. That's where my money went. Costs millions from pocket not offshore, so thats where my issue was. Sometimes you need different builds for different missions, especiqlly with the bumped up overkill(which i enjoy the difficulty, but not the cost to payout ratio from pro jobs). Earning was significantly reduced

It wasn't fixed the next day, think your data is off.

It was on the 13th that the patch came out, right? Did they fix it yesterday? Haven't played it since the 14th, so at least they addressed it.

A lot of the community left when patch 11 killed the economy and made gangsters red-garbed death machines.

patch 11 essentially made Overkill lose its fan base. I stopped playing when it became Small Change Day 2.

But then people would actually have to read an article in it's entirety and think about it. Baby food tastes so much better when it's pureed to the max.