
No, I think he's saying that the design is fundamentally flawed. If they want to talk about making a standard to how a cell phone can be assembled, similar to ATX where certain parts are supposed to go in a certain location, then replacement parts could be changed out by a certified technician(these components are

This design is not even close to feasible. It's an engineering disaster. Read my above comment, as the size and data rate restrictions are not addressed with their design.

For the record, I'm agreeing with your comment and adding to your response for Kulahan.

If you want your phone to be the size of your PC...and no, it doesn't work like this. Even with ATX standards for guidelines on mobo construction, different processors use different sockets. Ditto RAM. Ditto PCI cards breaking away from AGP. Sata from Parallel. The list goes on.

"The limit on this new Steam sharing plan is ten authorized devices—just like the Xbox One's family plan was going to be."

It tastes very similar to punch, but where you would normally taste a "c", you taste an "o".

just move your mouse to the top of the screen, and click+drag down. Any app you accidentally open can be shut down by dragging down from the top of the screen.

Seconded. It's a lot better than most of the comics here, and it's always about gaming.

If he wants all that info, he could just put up an add for whoever did this.

Go find some NHL Hitz. Some of the most fun I had back in the original XBox days.

Um, what needs to be censored here?

Very clever, squenix...a product you want but can't have, even after you've purchased it. Now they should charge $300 and make it a Veblen Good. Genius.

EAmployees don't make money. The currency at EA is $$, or $oul $hards. But yeah, you have to buy your lunch one pea at a time with $$. Unless you pre-ordered your lunch 6 months ago when you get the special "extra carrot" launch edition. Then your lunch will have to be pushed back for production reasons, and you will

At EA, they would just cut off the front half of your right foot so you could never run away from the office to begin with. #kuntakinte #EAofficeisactuallycottonfields

It's sure to be a colt classic.

So the 2DS is marketed for kids. That's cool. Apparently kids now have 200% longer fingers, because those shoulder buttons are pretty far up there and directional pad is located somewhere in southern Chile. WHO DESIGNED THIS?

Um, how about a year of actually releasing games. That would be a great year.

She would be a Galaxy-Class engineer? SWEET! But seriously, I have a friend who's daughter has a similar issue, she basically sees through a pinhole compared to what most people see. If she could use the Occulus Rift to actually see more, it would be incredible.


That was the first "Manly" that I've found remotely funny. And Brentalfloss is finally over? YAY!