Travers Jordan

Isn’t Bronn a commoner (at least originally)? And the all the wildlings, and Grey Worm, and Missandei, and Varys.

I think it’s all building to them in the throne room at the very end, with arguments about who has the best claim. And then they both refuse to take it. (Tyrion was discussing ELECTIONS last episode when he was trying to bring up succession. I haven’t noticed anybody really talking about that online.)

He got fully eunuched. There ain’t nothin’ down there.

Did we watch a different Gummi Bears? I mean… it's set in the medieval era. I suppose you could swap ducks and such for the humans, but… it's still medieval. It would seem kind of jarring to have Gummi Glen suddenly be in a park in Duckburg or something.

I dunno, Donald has ALWAYS been a little hard to understand. For me, it's part of his appeal. (And an excuse to watch his episodes more than once, lol.)

Shows can have more than one long term story arc.

Maybe. His descent was mostly controlled, but it looked like he was going to crash a couple times, too.

That was some decent damage, really. He forced a landing. In D&D rules, that means Drogon was down to 25% of his HP!

That was really more the shoulderblade than the neck.

Really old comment to reply to here, but most bullies DO tend to back down when stood up to physically (there are usually weaker fish, after all). This IS from personal experience as a very skinny, glasses-wearing nerdy type. Only a few (three) were stymied by a single punch, though… the other three required

They still had that $5 from that money wish after taxes and the giveaways, so there's that. Plus, they still apparently gave away about $40,000 to the neighborhood. Might help the local economics. Danged insane 90% Federal tax rate in 1960, though, right?

Cool, yeah. I've seen a lot of them in the past, but have been watching through on Netflix.

Funny, (and I just realized I'm REALLY late to this discussion) but I never thought the glove cleaner was a poison. Roger talks repeatedly about maybe just "toning down" the love, but is told that isn't possible. Thus, given that it's a "cleaner," I always assumed it would essentially undo (clean) the love potion and